Hi, I am Sarah. I am an attorney who also has bipolar disorder.
Just like you, I hate red tape, don’t like paper work, and felt confused…overwhelmed filing my first claim. I did file and was denied my social security disability claim. I felt embarrassed and alone in fighting for my rightful benefits. Explaining our “illness in the mind” and its effect on employment to Social Security is frustrating. The application process is just too complex.
But unlike most people, I did not give up. I kept trying till I figured out how to create a winning claim and obtain my social security disability benefits.
And now I share it all with you so you can too!
“Social Security Disability & Bipolar Disorder” is your complete step-by-step guide that details everything I’ve learned about filing and winning a bipolar disorder disability claim with Social Security Administration” – Sarah
“This is a great tool for those of us who cannot manage without Social Security disability support!
After downloading my copy I started my application immediately and feel so much better knowing that help is on the way”
“Thanks so much for the “How to Create A Winning Claim” for Bipolar Disability e-book.It is very easy to understand and user friendly. When I read the 10 Mistakes You Must Avoid. I knew right away I would have blown my application without this advice. Thanks, again”
“My first attempt to claim my SSDI benefits was unsuccessful and I was told I did not qualify for disability. Your section about How to Appeal is right on the money! Your e-book would have helped me win my initial claim. Thanks for providing such a great roadmap.”
1. Why so many do not file for SSA disability?
So many Americans, who worked and paid for years into the system, are denied legit claims for experiencing employment problems caused by Bipolar disorder.
They feel intimidated or ashamed in claiming benefits and lost when they are denied a legitimate claim.
2. Why so many give up their disability claim?
Bipolar disorder can be difficult for bureaucrats to understand. It’s hard to deal with the red tape and navigate the process in absence of a clear map.
Even though most claims are awarded after an appeal most people do not appeal a denied claim as they do not know what it takes to win a claim.
3. How to win your rightful disability benefit?
People with bipolar disorder are SPECIFICALLY COVERED by the Social Security guidelines. As someone with both bipolar disorder AND a law degree, I can help you win SSDI benefits in the context of a mood disorder.
This is not a process you should learn about through your own trial and error. You need to understand exactly what claims for bipolar disorder require.
“Social Security Disability & Bipolar Disorder” is your complete 85 page, step-by-step success guide to filing – and winning – your claim, written SPECIFICALLY FOR FOLKS WITH BIPOLAR DISORDER.
1. Why so many do not file for SSA disability?

“Dear Sarah: I just wanted you to know that your information about claiming disability for bipolar has made a huge impact in my life. Learning about how to collect the proper medical evidence and avoid all the common mistakes saved a lot of time and money. Now I have financial peace of mind and can focus on getting well. My whole family was so stressed and worried about what would happen to me when I had to stop work. By helping me you helped the people I love as well.”
“Although I am knowledgeable about my bipolar disorder, I was clueless about how to claim disability. My psychiatrist never explained the system to me – she just told me to try and file for benefits. Sarah’s guide was an eye-opener. Now I have all my medical evidence and understand how to explain exactly why bipolar disorder prevents me from working. Thank you Sarah for making this information so clear, and for showing me how to take charge.”
2. Why so many give up their disability claim?

“I recommend this guide on Social Security Disability and Bipolar Disorder. People who follow the guide will be able to quickly understand if they qualify for benefits and how to put an effective application together. All my patients who have bipolar disorder and cannot work will be getting a copy!”
“Hi Sarah The simple and compassionate way this e-book is written shows it is written by someone who understands bipolar, but the best part is that you are also an attorney.
It is so well researched and informative. For me it was like getting a foreign language translated.”
“As a mental health therapist, I often treat people who are no longer in the workforce. In my professional experience, I have seen that applying for benefits can increase stress and overwhelm some people. However, Sarah not only walks you through everything you need to know, she educates you on whether you need a disability advocate and how to keep on top of the process.”
3. How to win your rightful disability benefit?

Free Bonuses
Bonus #1 – Special Report on Bipolar and Diabetes
Some studies have shown people with bipolar disorder are up to 3 TIMES more likely to have diabetes than members of the general population.
- What is diabetes?
- What is the diabetes/bipolar connection?
- Which bipolar medications may cause diabetes?
- Simple steps that both prevent diabetes and improve the symptoms of bipolar disorder.
Bonus #2 – Top 6 Techniques for Managing Moods
- Medication alone can only do so much.
- Are you always satisfied with your own behavior?
- Do you sometimes feel trapped in a spiral of anger, negativity, shame or regret?
- Learn easy but effective techniques that stop mood swings before they take hold of you.
- Discover the secrets to a positive, relaxed new you.
Bonus #3 – Bipolar Disorder Glossary
- Did your diagnosis mean having to learn a whole new language?
- Do you ever struggle to explain bipolar disorder to your loved ones?
- Would you like to feel more prepared, informed and confident when you visit the doctor?
- Never feel confused or intimidated again!
- Dozens of bipolar-related terms explained clearly. Knowledge is power!
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