What is bipolar?

HomeWhat is bipolar?

99 bipolar disorder facts

Wouldn't it be nice if all of the information regarding bipolar disorders were listed in one convenient place, and designed to be easy to scroll through. Not only will readers be able to find 99 important and informative facts concerning the symptoms and treatments associated with this disorder, but also a helpful quiz that will help you identify your problems. This informative article will not only walk you through the important steps in learning how to identify the real symptoms associated with the illness, but it will also help you find a treatment that will work for you. Discover how effective mood stabilizers can be for some patients, along with the latest treatments that are just recently making headlines. This informative article also covers how diet and lifestyle can affect a bipolar disorder, and includes helpful tips and tricks that can keep you mood centered and stable simply by using natural remedies.

2020-05-31T19:13:35-04:00By |0 Comments

Bipolar disorder statistics

Many suffers of a bipolar disorder can feel like they are alone, and that no one else will ever be able to understand the pain of the lows and euphoria of the highs. While statistics from the National Institute of Health that state only 2 to 7 percent of the American population suffer from a bipolar illness may not make you feel any less alone, it might help you to know that over half of those thought to have the disorder will ever receive the right diagnosis and treatment. Even though these and other statistics included in this informative article might help you to feel less alone, this still doesn't mean that you have to continue to act out uncontrollably and suffer in silence. Once you know the facts and statistics concerning the number of people affected worldwide, it might even be easier for you to accept that you have a problem and that you are not alone in needing treatment.

2019-10-09T14:06:03-04:00By |2 Comments

Bipolar Psychosis

Even the term "psychosis" is frightening to some people, whether they are the ones being diagnosis or simply learning that someone they know might have this misunderstood condition. In this article not only will you learn that not all suffers of a bipolar disorder experience periods defined as a psychotic break, but that it also does not mean that a person is automatically hospitalized when it occurs. Not only will you learn the differences between schizophrenia and the delusions and hallucinations associated with a bipolar disorder, but also how to recognize the warning signs and the best ways to minimize the embarrassing and debilitating effects of a psychotic break. The more you are able to learn and understand how a bipolar psychosis can affect your life and that of those around you, the easier it will be for you to find the right medication and treatment plan to keep you safe.

2020-05-30T15:10:11-04:00By |12 Comments

Bipolar symptoms

It is easy to misdiagnose a bipolar disorder, especially if you are not familiar with the different types of this illness. It can mimic the signs associated with severe depression and be mistaken for a personality disorder, and some sufferers even believe that the maniac feelings may be able to enhance their creative abilities . Learning how to recognize the real symptoms associated with a bipolar illness can mean the difference between suffering in silence and getting the help you need to start feeling better, along with helping you realize that this disorder can be dangerous to your health. This article will explain the psychological effects and physical symptoms that can also develop that can include feelings of depression, anger, and manic excitement, along with memory loss and even diabetes. With your physical and emotional health at risk if your bipolar illness is not properly diagnosed, it only makes sense that you would want to familiarize yourself with the symptoms.

2019-10-09T14:05:58-04:00By |4 Comments

Causes of bipolar disorder

Many people are under the misconception that a bipolar disorder is either caused by genetics or a disruption in the brain's neurotransmitters, and while this is true there is another factor that is often overlooked or simply not taken seriously. High levels of stress can also result in a bipolar disorder and trigger a manic episode if it is left untreated. Researchers and health care professionals have been warning patients for years about the dangers of high levels of stress that if left untreated can cause life threatening illnesses. In this article you will learn how genetics, stress and a chemical imbalance in the brain can all cause and affect bipolar disorders, along with different treatment methods that might be able to finally help you. After all, the first step in learning how to manage you manic emotions and behaviors is learning what the underlying cause is and the best way to treat it.

2020-05-17T11:27:20-04:00By |2 Comments

Bipolar depression symptoms

It is easy to misdiagnose a bipolar disorder, especially if you are not familiar with the different types of this illness. It can mimic the signs associated with severe depression and be mistaken for a personality disorder, and some sufferers even believe that the maniac feelings may be able to enhance their creative abilities . Learning how to recognize the real symptoms associated with a bipolar illness can mean the difference between suffering in silence and getting the help you need to start feeling better, along with helping you realize that this disorder can be dangerous to your health. This article will explain the psychological effects and physical symptoms that can also develop that can include feelings of depression, anger, and manic excitement, along with memory loss and even diabetes. With your physical and emotional health at risk if your bipolar illness is not properly diagnosed, it only makes sense that you would want to familiarize yourself with the symptoms.

2019-10-09T14:06:02-04:00By |7 Comments

Bipolar Depression Test

One of the common symptoms associated with a bipolar disorder is the feeling of intense depression that will leave you constantly fatigued, and even in physical pain. While self diagnosing is popular and can be helpful in pinpointing a cause for your severe depression, it is also important to remember that no matter the results of your test it is still necessary to see a licensed health care professional. This article includes a questionnaire concerning bipolar depression and the four questions, along with the provided key for your answers which can give you some insight into your type of illness. If you feel the need to check your results with other self administered tests which is always recommended, you will also find helpful links in this article to additional tests. Feelings of severe depression can create problems in other areas of your life, and finally understanding the cause is the first step in getting treated.

2019-10-09T14:06:02-04:00By |0 Comments

Bipolar Disorder and Creativity

The relationship between madness and creativity has been written about extensively by the ancient Greeks and Romans, and even encouraged and celebrated during different periods in history. Unfortunately sufferers of a bipolar disorder have also been persecuted and tossed into asylums for the mentally insane, and today's generation is still dealing with many of history's misconceptions concerning this illness and the affect it has on creativity. While it is true that great artists like Van Gogh, Beethoven and even Edgar Allan Poe are all thought to have suffered from a bipolar disorder the maniac bouts of creativity certainly did not improve their lives, especially when you considered one genius cut part of his ear off to impress a lover. Learning how a bipolar illness can affect and cause manic bouts of creativity can help aid in treatment, and now that so many of today's celebrities are announcing that they have this disorder it is getting easier to get an accurate diagnosis.

2019-10-09T14:06:05-04:00By |0 Comments
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